Extreme yachting destinations

Extreme yachting destinations

There are some core routes that repeatedly form lists of must-see places for yacht cruisers. Some of the traditional locations are easy to reach, and some charters might find it not so exciting. If you want to step off conventional paths, Ahoy Club is happy to suggest some more extreme destinations to enjoy and discover during your yacht journey.



Greenland is a world of icy beauty, mesmerising landscapes and the incredible Northern Lights. Experience the emotions of the ancient Vikings, paving the path between the ice on the narrow winding sea bays on a yacht.

The country of eternal ice does not immediately come into the sight of those who love sailing, and in vain. The landscapes of this country are ones of the most picturesque in the world, and Greenland itself is one of the most isolated countries in the world, which leads to the preservation of unique populations of rare representatives of flora and fauna here. You can rent a schooner and go on it along the east coast of Greenland.

The ideal time to sail there is summer. Slowly sailing along giant icebergs and glaciers, you will be able to observe not only this impressive grandeur of the ice kingdom, but also its unique inhabitants. In the vicinity of the yacht, you will often notice whales and killer whales, and on land – snow hares. The most popular yacht cruises in Greenland take place in August and September.

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador


If you are a true connoisseur of wildlife, then the Galapagos Islands should be on your list of places to definitely visit on a yacht. This unique place is literally teeming with a variety of wild animals, which almost nowhere else to meet.

Here you can admire the notorious giant lizards that did not disappear with the dinosaurs, but retained their unique population in the Galapagossa. It is worth adding to the unique flora and fauna of these exotic islands no less extra-extraordinary volcanic landscapes, which one would admire, realising that the world is much wider than standard ideas about it.

Getting to the Galapagos Islands is not so easy. Not to mention going on a full exploratory tour and visiting every island. However, nothing is impossible with a charter yacht. You can swim with sea lions and penguins look at sharks in their native habitat, see giant turtles and unusual mating rituals of local birds. You would stroll through places more like lunar landscapes than the earth’s surface.

Holy Trinity Islands, Australia


Snow-white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and numerous colorful tropical fish that will swim next door when you decide to go snorkeling – these are the things the visitors of the Whitsunday island in Australia will find, as the place is considered one of the most beautiful corners of the planet to sail to.

The islands are located in the heart of the main attraction of the “green continent”, the Great Barrier Reef. On a charter yacht, you can take a trip along this incredibly lively archipelago, which includes about 73 islands. Or, as an option, you can go on a one-day excursion directly to the reef.

Trinity Island itself, the largest in the group of islands, is a national park, like many other islands. Here, the vast white sandy beaches and secluded coves lay, and the warm waters of the tropics abound in life, there are dense green pine forests where camping places are equipped. Some islands are completely uninhabited, others are privately owned. Sailing around these islands is so popular that it often seems that there are more people in the sea than on land.

Lofoten, Norway


There are not so many places in the world where yachting can be combined with skiing. But the Lofoten Islands in Norway are just such.

Still, thanks to the warm Gulf Stream running from the coast of Florida across the Atlantic to the European coast and the Scandinavian countries, the climate here is much milder and warmer than in other waters at the same latitude. Warming the shores of Norway, the Gulf Stream protects its picturesque fjords from ice, even beyond the Arctic Circle. Carved by nature itself, the Norwegian fjords are an amazing sight.

A charter to Norway is a great opportunity to breathe in fresh, clean air, take a walk in unusual places where, according to legend, trolls and gnomes live, go fishing in full-flowing rivers or go kayaking. You can rent a helicopter and go on a glacier that arose during the Stone Age. You can go deep into the mainland and see fabulous landscapes. Otherwise, it’s just convenient to get on a yacht and, while relaxing, watch the fjords, fishing villages, cliffs and waterfalls pass by.

Here you can make an exciting trip on a yacht to the remote islands of the archipelago, as well as skiing in the mountains. When traveling through Lofoten, you can admire the northern lights and visit the Lingen Alps. This northern adventure will definitely be remembered for your life.



Brazil was long deprived of charterers’ attention, but everything changed in 2016. At the Summer Olympics, the whole world was able to appreciate all the charm and amazing beauty of this huge South American country. The Olympics, however, pushed local authorities and businesses to develop infrastructure. Now there are comfortable resorts and enriched marinas, which are ideal for charter holidays. Modern Brazil is one of the best destinations for sailors. Every season there are more and more charters here, and more and more travelers in the winter months (however, they are called summer here) choose the coast of Brazil instead of the Caribbean.

Of course, the most popular yacht charter destination is Angra dos voyage, the so-called “Gulf of Kings”. Located just 60 kilometres from Rio de Janeiro on the southeast coast, this bay contains 365 islands. As the locals say, here you can change the island every day for a whole year. Protected by the large island of Ilya Grandi, this bay is characterised by calm waters and moderate temperature. Water warms up quickly, and the climate is tropical, tempered by proximity to the ocean. The warm season lasts from October to April. However, you can swim here all year round – the temperature is perfect for this.

You can swim in crystal clear waters, under waterfalls, surrounded by tropical forests and nature reserves. You will see wild monkeys and can visit one of the local villages. Be sure to check out Django, a water restaurant that serves caipirinha, an unusual local cocktail based on fermented sugarcane. Regardless of your wishes and preferences, the captain will be able to realize all your ideas: from a walk through the rainforest or diving to shopping

Southeast Alaska in the USA


Take a luxury charter yacht on a cruise in Alaska, to the northernmost state of the USA, a place that has retained its appearance and natural beauty since the first “gold rush”. Alaska is a popular tourist destination, and many cruise ships run along its shores. But no ordinary cruise will give you as many opportunities as a trip on a charter yacht. A small boat will allow you to explore many islands and harbours, go ashore and enjoy the virgin nature alone.

You can watch the coast of Alaska from the side of the yacht – with a glass of wine in hand and in pleasant company. Or you can go ashore and start the most amazing adventure in your life. Take a walk around the springs, plunge into the hot natural springs, take a picture of yourself against the backdrop of huge icebergs, watch whales, bears, eagles. The wildlife of the north will amaze you with its diversity. Local animals are almost not afraid of people.

Note that in Alaska there is always a place for unusual events. Want to visit the glacier? Have a candlelight party or dinner? A helicopter is enough – and right here, on top of the block of ice, the cook will prepare you a gourmet dish. A helicopter can land you on the banks of a full-flowing mountain river awash with trout and salmon. You will catch fish, which you can then taste on board the yacht.

Southeast Alaska is a maze of picturesque islands and fjords, along which you cruise on a luxury ship. There are convenient harbours in Juneau and Sitko, where you can end the journey and fly to mainland America by plane.

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